10 Tips for Exam Anxiety

I've never related to a television character more than I have to Andy at this moment.
Source: https://imgur.com/gallery/KGqaoFL

Ah yes, exams. The word most students dread in the vocabulary.

I suffer from exam anxiety (aka test anxiety) . For me exams provoke these intense feelings of anxiety, worries, and – without trying to sound overly dramatic – a feeling that there is no point in life. My anxiety is not as bad as it has been (not saying it’s all alright, it’s far from it), but it has gotten better, because I’ve learned to understand and how to cope with exam anxiety.

For a long time I’ve wanted to share some of those tips that I have learned regarding how to handle exam anxiety.
But before we get into it, let me quickly share my story of this ~lovely~ phenomena.

You see, as I got further into my education my exam anxiety got worse with it. At first, I didn’t think too much of it, because in my mind, everyone felt the exact same way. It was normal for students to feel anxious, tense and worried. However, when I talked to other students about it I somehow always felt as if I wasn’t being understood or that their anxiousness didn’t quite fit with mine.

In late 2015, I simply could not control the anxiety anymore. I remember very clearly laying in my bed under the covers, staring at the ceiling as I bawled my eyes out, because I knew I just couldn’t handle that awful feeling. My father came in to tell me something and saw me laying there and that’s when I opened up about how I felt for the first time. The same evening I contacted a therapist, who gladly wanted to help me. And I have to say, seeking help for my exam anxiety is one of the best things I have ever done, because not only did I learn how to cope with it, I learned why it even started, which has since lead me to start working on myself and my mind (but that’s another story).

Now, let’s get into the tips – it’s not like we don’t have an exam to study for 😉

1. Try to think of the word and situation of exams in a different way

We naturally put a negative connotation to the word and situation “exam”. So instead of using the word “exam”, try replacing it with “project”, “paper” or “presentation” etc., basically another word that takes some of the pressure away. Same goes for the situation. Instead of thinking of the exam as an “exam”, think of it as a conference, lecture or professional/casual talk you are having to teach someone else what you know and have learned, or whatever else that will help to ease your mind.

2. Write down your goals

Before I start studying and preparing for “projects” (eh, see what I did there?), I grab a little notebook and I write down for every “project” what my goal is. I write down what I’ll do to study effectively, what I want to show my teachers/examiners, and how I’ll try to keep calm during studying and during the examination to be able to study effectively and keep calm.
It may seem silly, but it can help calm you down, when you feel the anxiety building up. The notebook will be the little reminder of what you aim is – which is to basically keep your mind and body calm.

3. “Working 9 to 5” – Dolly Parton

A thing I did a lot was studying aaaaaall day and night, because I felt that if I didn’t do that, then it would be the reason why I failed (on top of a bunch of other things). However, instead of actually learning what I was studying, I was wearing myself out.
Therefore, set a time when you clock in and start working, and a time where you clock out for the day. It is essential for your mind and body to get some rest. It will help you study more efficiently and also help you to manage the anxiety.

4. Remember to have fun

In continuation of tip 3, remember to have some fun after clocking out. Go to the movies or meet friends for dinner as a treat for studying all day. If you don’t have the energy to hang out with people, maybe just put on a good movie and treat yourself to some candy. Whatever it is, remember to let yourself have some fun. It is important to not treat the exams period as a jail. You are allowed to have fun.

5. Eat well, exercise and take breaks

I know, I know, this is one is always on the list, and that’s because it’s one of the most important tips. Take care of yourself. Take care of your body and mind, because that’s the engine making you able to study. So you need to fuel it with nutritious food, exercise to get the happy hormones (endorphins and serotonin to name a few), and you need to let you brain rest to think right.

6. Meditation

Before you begin to study, try to take about 5-10 minutes to meditate. There exists tons of research proving that mediation has a positive effect on the human body and mind. One of which is to help ease anxiety.
You can find plenty of apps, podcast and Youtube videos to help you get started.

7. Before the big day treat yourself

This tip is sacred to me, because it reminds me to be nice to myself during exams. The day before an oral exam, I stop studying and preparing around six in the evening (punching out). Your mind needs lots of rests to function perfectly and to be able to help you.
After clocking out, treat yourself to your favorite meal, a nice long bath, a movie or TV-show etc. Most importantly, try to relax, remind yourself you did your best under the circumstances (which is dealing with exam anxiety). Be good to yourself, you deserve it.
And to ease the stress, pack everything you’ll need for you exam the night before.

8. Don’t feed into other students’ anxiety

This is very important if you want to stay zen and most of all, not get all riled up yourself. You have to focus on yourself and stay calm. I suggest to either have someone with you as support, who knows your struggle with exams and who can help either distract you or center your focus.
If you do not have someone who is able to be there, try to find a quiet place or sit a little further from the other students, so you can collect your thoughts and breathing before you have to present you exam.

9. Remember to breath

When the anxiety starts kicking in hard, have some breathing techniques in your back pocket that can help you to calm down. I personally use this little gif, when I feel the anxiety starting to get a bit out of hand.

You Got This Finals GIF
Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/finals-final-exams-test-stress-3jmK9xgYGsw36

10. Don’t be afraid to seek help

You are not weak or dumb for having exam anxiety. It’s perfectly alright to feel like this – you are not the only one going through this. My own therapist suffered from exam anxiety, so you see, it is perfectly normal.
However, this is not something you should deal with alone, and seeking help may not cure this, but it will help you a lot by just uttering the issue out loud. More people are willing to help than you’d think. So do seek help from either a professional, teacher, students, family etc.
And a lot of education centers (high schools, universities etc.) offer some form of help to deal with exam anxiety for free.

And remember, if you do fail your exam, it is not a reflection of who you are. It does not define you. It’s merely a bump on the road, which many students have gone through before you. Instead look at the situation as an extra opportunity to show how awesome you are (or as I like to look at it; a way to get more time to study).

I hope these tips will help you to manage your exams anxiety. Most importantly remember not to be too hard on yourself, because you are doing your best under these circumstances.

If you have other survival tips on how to handle exams anxiety or exams, in general, do feel free to leave a comment to help other students in need.

Lots of luck


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